Bedouin First Aid

Only recently have Bedouin people had access to Hospitals. Therefore, they have a robust and established First Aid system (some things might make you go “eww”) with which they treat various ailments… Read about some of the practices I have learned…

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Billy Goat Head in my fridge …

There are some things which never change about a person. A social or religious programming you have received as a child, or a characteristic you developed or were born with. No one persons unchangeable factors are necessarily the same, but for sure everyone has something that is unchangeable about them… Or at least something pretty much certainly unchangeable.

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The desert…

“There is a quality about the desert that is unlike anything else I have encountered.  It creates the sensation of being utterly alone, with an extension of physical distance beyond which is the unlimited extension of time itself.  In this environment, the human mind is lifted out of itself, above the level of mundane existence, until one has the feeling of being cast out into a limitless world of endless space and time.”

 World without Time – The Bedouin. By Edward Nevins and Theon Wright
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A very silly gosling

Did I mention we have geese. Well yes. Desert and geese don’t really go. But my husband was fed up with our chickens digging up our fruit tree roots, and I didn’t want to keep them in their house all day so he swapped our seven chickens plus one rooster for three geese. Two females and a male.

Apart from the odd incident (like when the male bit the bottom of my youngest son in a surprise strike attack), overall I like them very much and their funny ways.

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First Rain

As a Brit rain is not something I naturally get excited about. Cold, wet, grey and inconvenient. However, since living in the desert I have a new appreciation for it.

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Dear America, You are great. To me you are great because you are so diverse. YOU ARE A KALEIDOSCOPE OF DIVERSITY ALREADY AND YOU ARE GREAT BECAUSE OF IT. The people who make you up into a nation make you great – the little ones more so than the big ones. Your creative culture is […]

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